Sunday, February 14, 2010

We are Fa-mi-ly!

We received an email from one of our most-loved foster mothers on the other side of the globe that immediately had us ooh-ing and aah-ing and awww-ing over a loveydovey story about a depressed tigress in a California zoo who accepts and suckles piglets as replacements for her premature cubs. Oh so purrfect for this porcine blog! For we sisters were born in tiger years and we love pigs! That is, we love to eat pigs but this tiger doesn't.

But on searching further for images and information so we could give credit where credit is due, we learned that (YES, THE PHOTOS ARE REAL!) the photos were taken in Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Thailand. The Sriracha Tiger Zoo apparently specializes in interspecies love, because the tigress who adopted the piglets was herself suckled by a sow when she was a cub.

But like all good stories, this one has a dark side. Sigh. Interspecies love isn't everything it's made up to be. (We still really love the photos though. Guilty admission. *nervous giggles*)

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